Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Secret Weapon

I've had some clients lately who's life has done a 180 degree turnaround simply by changing their hypnotic stressful thoughts in a session with me.

Oh Boy do I LOVE what I do!

But what's really interesting to me is, three of the women who came to see me recently said, I am a secret to their partner, or husband.

"Oh they would never understand what you do" one said to me.

Another said.
"He wouldn't understand why I came to see you because he lives what you teach and does not understand why someone would need to be reminded to live the way he lives naturally.

Lucky guy I thought!

Another said..

"I told him I was going to see a old friend I hadn't seen for ages who lives in your suburb, as he would never get what it is your do!"

I am their Secret Weapon against the stressful and life threatening mental stories they had been believing as real.

If  I was to ever meet their incredible partners, all of them would kiss the ground I walk on because I have given back to them the woman they feel in love with.

One said to me when she arrived home after work,  she had a lunch session with me, her husband said to her.

"What happened to you today?"

She said,  "nothing why?"

 "You look COMPLETELY different, he said, you have changed in some way, kinder, more relaxed. Where have you been today and what have you been doing," he insisted.

Oh how these men would thank me if they knew what had been going on, but for some reason, the fact that I call myself a teacher of Deliberate Creation who connects with nonphysical energy and channels exactly what my client needs to remember at the time, is way too way-out for them.

 But hey! It is working and FAST!!!

One woman hadn't made love with her husband in years, she had left him many times with a huge story of mistrust, betrayal and money problems under her belt. Even her kids said to her, "Go mum, get out while you can."

But after a conversation with me, she went home and practised what she had been reminded of, and had the BEST sex they'd had in years.

I remember she said to me during our time together.. Do you mean to say if I Change my story about him, I will live with a better husband?" And that's EXACTLY what happened!!

They began the honeymoon period all over again, and the grumpy spiteful man she used to live with became a beautiful, generous, loving and caring partner again. They even went on a second honeymoon weekend together, that he paid for.

"I just want to feel good again, I'm sick of feeling so stressed all the time." one woman said to me.

It is AMAZING the miracles that happen when we change the way we think and feel.

 I never counsel people about their relationships with their significant other,  it's none of my business.

I only repair the relationship they're having with themselves,  and the rest falls into place.

Can I just say it again.... Oh boy DO I LOVE my JOB!!

Just can't get enough of watching people transform, redesign and improve the way they live, love and feel...

Until next time Remember... "Love is you, Remember to feel it"

KS xx

Monday, 13 January 2014

Beach Days

Beach Days

Yesterday was my first day at the beach this summer! Crazy really, as I live three block from it and  have been travelling down the coast over the holiday season and seen some of the most spectacular beaches in the world. But life, people and events got in the way of relaxing and spending precious time with the earth, sun and sea. 

OMG how beautiful it is. We are really just so lucky and blessed in this country, especially if we live on the coast. The sight of the ocean is one of the most beautiful sights I can gaze upon.

So I made a date with myself and I walked down the road, dove into the incredibly blue water, which was like a lake, no waves, and then headed up to the women pool to bask in the sun.

Behind me were a couple of young english girls talking about how they had been dreaming about coming to Australia to sit in the sun and bask at the beach. And it dawned on me, what I take for granted, people overseas dream about and save and save to get here.

What an eye opener this was  for me, putting off what people dream about doing. My excuses had been, too hot, too crowded, tomorrow, next time, more work to finish and on and on.

How many times do I do this, when I know if I just made a small effort it would be soooo worth it.
And again it's so crazy to think for me, it is a small effort, but for others it is a HUGE effort to save the money for the airfare, get on a plane for 100 hours, find somewhere to live, buy towels, swimmers etc, and get themselves to the beach..

I will never take it for grated again!

And I feel so much better for being in the ocean and look a thousand times better with a one day old tan.

I think I might just take myself off to do the same thing right now.

My blogging hasn't been going too well lately,  I guess I will have to get into the habit of it, but this will take more than a couple of entries I suspect.

I was all fired up about this at the beginning of the year, how easily we can forget our new years intentions, maybe instead of challenging myself to do it every day, I could have been a little easier on myself and made a commitment to every week...

Off for a swim now, until next time keep basking
ks xx :D

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Put your Power where your Mounth is

5 Jan 2014

Oops didn't get to blog yesterday, was having too much fun doing my radio show, in which we celebrated our vulnerabilities and then I caught up with old friends I love.

 It just wouldn't be the Christmas season if I didn't spend some time with my beloved and beautiful friends.

Jan was a friend of my Mothers, they met each other in the heady days of there youth. Jan was, and still is in her 70's, a professional model and mum was a show girl. Two of the most beautiful women you could lay your eyes on, although Jan was 10 years younger than mum, they partied together, went to each others weddings, cried on each other shoulders when their marriages broke down and supported each other when they were single parent bringing up children. Jan was there for mum when she became sick and watch her vibrant life fall into a world of pain and depression during the chemo years.

My two brothers and I  grew up with Jan and her children, Cassie and Luke. Luke left the planet far too young 8 years ago, I loved him so he was so full of life and wonder and Cassie is one of my dearest friends. We have known each other for so long, we've seen each others lives change, stay the same, evolve, be marred with tragedy and celebration and expand. As young girls we lived together and partied together. Boy have we partied together! I was recently partying with Cassie and her fabulous friends for her 50 birthday in Byron Bay. Never let the troubles of life get in the way of an opportunity to bring people together to party and celebrate, would be one of her mottos.

A celebrated makeup artist, Cassie's life is never dull. She is one of those people everyone wants to know. A lover to the core, she adores life, her son, her family and friends. She finds so much joy of life through knowing, loving and connecting with people. Her mobile is constantly buzzing with another eager fan and friend wanting to talk to her.

She was told me, "putting make up on people and styling their hair is like being a therapist, everyone pours out their heart to you." And Cassie is a listener. She hears you, truly hears you and I think this is why so many want to know her. It's just so wonderful to be heard in this life were everyone is screaming out something.

I know I get in trouble from my daughter who believes I never listen to her. She tell me this all the time. "You never listen to be mum," she says.. And to a point she is right..

I am not someone to hear how victimised you feel or to indulge you in your limiting stories about yourself. Oh boy do people LOVE to tell them, people love to go on and on about how unfair life can be, how hurt they get and how other people are responsible for their pain.

I believe we are responsible for all of it, and therefore we can change all of it.

 We can change the way people respond to us, we can have people eating out of our hands, if we want them to. We can change any situation because we can change the way we look at it.

We can Change our Vibration, which determines everything we live, in the change of a thought and when we do, EVERYTHING CHANGES!!!

Really, we have no control over anything BUT our vibration, so when we change the way we think and feel about things, we bring about all we are screaming for...

So if someone is telling me about how limited they feel and how bad things are, I don't hear it. Instead I HEAR want they are screaming for.

I hear the desire birthed within the problem, and I listen to THAT!!

I believe we are all infinite potential... we have the ability to be, do and have anything we want, so I will not buy into your story of blame, victimisation or limitation.

 I Will Listen to you speak about what you Love, what you are good at, what you want, dream about and wish to create, because I know when we put our FOCUS on something, good or bad, we bring it into reality.

 I Know how powerful our thoughts and focus is, and I also know you do NOT want what you are complaining about. You WANT the opposite of it...

 So PUT your focus there, because when you do you put your Power to have it there too.

I will not hear your limiting story but I WILL hear your potential. This gives me selective hearing and may not win me many fans, but oh boy does it change people lives... And that's what I'm all about!

Until tomorrow
ks xx

Thursday, 2 January 2014

WOW this blogging thing is really a GAS

At Home and at work, getting back into the swing of things and excited about the year ahead.

Here I sit at my laptop working on tomorrows radio show and I remembered I have to write my blog!!

I promised myself I would do this each day for at least 30 days. It's not something I am used to so I will have to discipline myself to do it and change my habit of always talking about other peoples stories and share more of mine.

How do I work out what I will talk about on radio you may wonder? I always talk about what's happening in my life. It is the best way to do it because I don't have to come up with a theme I just talk about what people are talking about around me. Or I have a few shows all lined up as I pre-record other peoples stories.

But you know what I find so amazing, as I present other peoples life stories each week on radio, their message is alway so pertinent to my life at the time. The synchronicity of life always blows me away.

I LOVE the way life shows up these days. One synchronistic event after the other,  always something for me to learn, remember or share with others. Being in the flow of life as it takes me down stream is just about the best fun I can have.

But then the dreaded habitual limiting thoughts hit me and BANG, it throws me right out of the flow and scrambling to climb back into the boat, which is beings pushed down stream at the rate of knots towards my desires.

The bank account is bare again. How did I spend all that money that seemed to be there just a short time ago. Where does it go and why can't I get a handle on this money storey which says to me, one day abundant the next day broke...

I will have to FIX that this year, I think to myself, until my inner being reminds me I can NOT fix anything I am focusing on in a negative way, for the very act of my focus on the problem exaggerates the vibration which created it.

Oh Right I forget... NO FIXING this year. More enjoying and knowing all is well and NOT believing my negative thoughts about my limits.

WOW this blogging thing is really a GAS!

 Im lovin it, getting my thoughts on the page each day, it's a nice reminder to listen to my common sense and my inner being.

You should try it, or is our internet already too clogged with people using it like a diary?

Until tomorrow back to organising tomorrows radio show, we will play some of the chats I've had with amazing people in 2013, and of course the fabulous Dr Brene Brown who talks so eloquently about connection, begin out there in the arena exposed for all to see and Darling GREATLY.

Check them out



Setting in the stage for 2014 sharing my stories.

As we explode into another year many of us feel we have to make this year better than the last. Why? Wasn't last year good? Maybe it was and maybe it wasn't but the urge to move forward and to improve our lives in some way keeps us reaching for more and moving in a direction of self-improvement.

So what do you want this year? Do you have a new years wish or resolution? Maybe you had something you wanted and didn't achieve last year, so this year seems like the perfect platform in which to achieve it.

For me, my intention is to be more exposed, vulnerable, I want to to speak more about myself, my life and share my thoughts with others in a forum such as this, a blog or on facebook. 

I lead a pretty amazing existence and meet some of the most fascinating people and have a very rich inner world of communion with my higher-self or inner-being, but it's so much more my nature to find out and talk about others.  I never really speak about myself, even when people ask me about my life, I find myself saying , "Oh life is great, but tell me about you."

I am not sure what keeps me quite when it come to talking about myself, I have found over the years when interviewing people or guiding people to a healthier and happier life, that it is our personal stories which help us feel more connected and drive us forward on this journey we call our life. 

We LOVE to hear other peoples stories and how they live. This is why TV soaps or movies and biographies are so popular, even when we make it all up, we still strive to know about other people.

I was once told by a researcher friend, the reason most people love to talk endlessly about themselves is because when we do we produce more dopamine, a neurotransmitter hormone which is responsible for good feelings in our body, and again I wondered why I don't do it more, but instead always seek and speak of other peoples adventures.

I guess I just love to know about who we are and what makes us tick. 

So this blog is part of my new years resolution. 'Im gonna yak more about me and share my thoughts and chats with my inner-being and some of the amazing things that happen to me on a daily basis in the hope that my stories will help you love your story more.'

When I mentioned my new years intent to my family, I had a huge backlash about how dangerous facebook is, ( it's big brother watching us and exposing our every move) and how no one wants to hear about who we are and what we do with our lives. They said "Why do people post photos of themselves on the Internet anyway?.."

 I guess it really hit a nerve with them about feeling exposed and the right to live a private life. It must have brought up fears about being vulnerable, people would see who we really are when we are not being fabulous, all-together or perfect. But the truth is, we all see each others achilles heal because it is just too hard to hide. 

Many people feel too vulnerable putting their thoughts out into the world, or sharing their hopes, dreams and fears. It can be really scary to think when we lay it out there for all to witness we may be  judged harshly by others. 

 But I truly believe sharing our stories and our inner most selves with each other is what makes the world go around, it helps us all feel more connected and alive. And I am all for that!

So here's to a juicy, vulnerable, exposed and delicious 2014

More to come... KS xx